CSG, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Labor’s State Exchange on Employment & Disability (SEED), published a series of reports aimed at supporting and informing state policymakers as they respond to the pandemic. The reports provide range of policy and program options for state policymakers to consider – from preparing for work in a pandemic to addressing mental health conditions in the workplace.
The reports provide range of policy and program options for states to consider –from preparing for work in a pandemic to addressing mental health conditions in the workplace –designed to ensure newly implemented policies are fully inclusive and align with disability and civil rights laws and policies.
The series was informed by SEED’s COVID-19 Policy Collaborative for an Inclusive Recovery, which hosted a series of convenings from February-May 2021 to discuss returning to the workplace, workforce retention and preparing for work during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. The CSG report series includes the following: