From Left to Right: Rep. Clark Kauffman (ID), Asm. Mike Gipson (CA), Sen. Bill Hansell (OR), and Rep. Mike Yin (WY)
The CSG West officers recently gathered in Sacramento, California, to identify policy committees for the 2023-2024 biennium and establish priorities to best serve Western state legislatures. Joining CSG West staff were Idaho Representative Clark Kauffman (Chair), California Assemblymember Mike Gipson (Chair-Elect), Oregon Senator Bill Hansell (Vice Chair), and incoming vice chair, Wyoming Representative Mike Yin.
Emerging from their discussions, the Housing Committee will be a new addition in 2023-2024, as issues around housing availability and affordability are a growing concern throughout the region. The list of policy committees and working groups established for the new biennium includes:
- Agriculture & Water
- Canada Relations
- Education
- Energy & Environment
- Health
- Housing
- Legislative Oversight Working Group
- Public Safety
- Westrends
Stay tuned for forthcoming announcements of committee co-chair selections and member appointments.