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CSG West Housing Forum

By Jonathan Lennartz

Colorado Representative Junie Joseph, left, and Washington Senator Patty Kuderer present during Day 2 of the CSG West Housing Forum. Bryan Patrick Photography.
Meeting States’ Housing Needs:
Hosted by the CSG West Housing Committee

The housing affordability crisis is among the most critical issues facing policymakers nationwide. Over two days, the inaugural CSG West Housing Forum brought together state legislators, innovators, and leaders from across the housing sector, focusing on topics such as permitting and zoning, modular construction, housing market analysis, tenant protections, recent legislation, and many others.

The forum, led by Idaho Senator Melissa Wintrow and Oregon Senator Daniel Bonham, co-chairs of the CSG West Housing Committee, allowed policymakers and stakeholders to engage in problem-solving while identifying specific actions to improve states’ housing supply and affordability. 

CSG West Housing Forum Recaps

Dr. Skylar Olsen, Chief Economist at Zillow, delivers a comprehensive analysis of the housing market and examines future considerations in the housing sector.

Rick Murdock, CEO and co-founder of Autovol, addresses the pressing need for innovation in the construction and housing industry. A forty-plus-year veteran of the construction sector, Murdock describes unprecedented shortages in skilled labor and housing, calling for both conventional and modular companies to collaborate and innovate.

Focusing on ways to automate, standardize, and develop new materials, Murdock shares recent successes bringing together both people and robots and offsite and onsite methods. 

Colorado Representative Junie Joseph and Washington Senator Patty Kuderer discuss their respective states’ efforts to enhance tenant protections during recent legislative sessions.

Hannah Gable, Director of Strategy and Operations at Ivory Innovations, illuminates developments and future directions for housing affordability and innovation.

Henry Honorof, director of the Welcoming Neighbors Network (WNN) and a grantee of Arnold Ventures, outlines the role of state-level pro-housing policy in addressing America’s housing crisis. Through a lens of bipartisan problem-solving, Honorof asserts that abundant housing can significantly improve housing affordability and stimulate economic growth.

Travis Plunkett from The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Housing Policy Initiative analyzes current housing market challenges and potential policy solutions.