Want to bring a guest? We offer a guest registration that includes access to all meals, social functions, and programming. In addition, our Idaho hosts have lined up some exciting activities for guests, which include Boise art walks, museums, Capitol tours, the Boise Zoo, the World Center for Birds of Prey, and the 106th annual Snake River Stampede Pro Rodeo to name a few.
The $175 guest registration fee includes access to all scheduled programming, meals, and social events unless otherwise noted on the meeting schedule. There is no registration fee for children 17 years and younger, though they must register for the conference to attend.
For all questions about the Annual Meeting, please contact csgwam@csg.org.
Daytime Activities
Daytime activities are available on a first-come basis, and guests can sign up onsite at the Host State Information Booth.
Wednesday, July 20

9:00-10:30 a.m. Boise Art Walk
2:30-5:00 p.m. Old State Penitentiary
Built in 1870, the Old Idaho Penitentiary is one of only four territorial prisons open to the public today. During its 101 years of operation, the site saw escapes, scandals and the effects of Boise’s transition from the “wild west” to a mid-20th century capital city. Step inside the four walls of the prison yard and imagine a life of confinement as steel doors close behind you. Please note: This tour is limited to 28 guests. Shuttle service will be provided.
Thursday, July 21

9:00-10:30 a.m. State Capitol Tour with Exclusive Dome Viewing
2:30-5:00 p.m. World Center for Birds of Prey
Get nose to beak with raptors! Visit the World Center for Birds of Prey and learn all about how we are conserving raptors around the world! Meet live birds of prey up close, see California Condors, and more! Please note: This tour is limited to 28 guests. Shuttle service will be provided.
Friday, July 22

9:00 -10:30 a.m. Idaho State Museum
9:00-10:30 a.m. Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial
The Memorial is the only Anne Frank Memorial in the United States and one of the few places in the world where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is on permanent, public display in its entirety. Please note: This guided tour is limited to 15 guests.
Evening Events
Tuesday, July 19, Friends and Family Meet and Greet at the Boise Centre Courtyard

Get to know your hosts, meet fellow guests, and learn about the opportunities Boise offers to recreate, relax, and rejuvenate.
Wednesday, July 20, Game Night at JUMP

JUMP is a unique and lively community space that provides opportunities to inspire, grow and innovate. Enjoy an evening of delicious food, drinks, and entertainment while relishing the views of downtown Boise, the Foothills, and the Owyhee Mountains.
Thursday, July 21, Open Night to Explore Boise!

Enjoy a night away from the conference and experience all that Boise has to offer! From great restaurants to local entertainment, there is something for everyone!
6:30-9:45 p.m. Snake River Stampede
The Snake River Stampede is in town the same week as our conference! To purchase from our group rate, click here. Please note: Shuttle service is available for up to 50 guests, and tickets must be purchased in advance.
Friday, July 22, Blue Turf at Boise State University

Take part in a friendly competition to benefit this year’s Chairman’s Charity Faces of Hope. Participants will be cheered on by Idaho’s own Spuddy Buddy and Boise State’s Buster Bronco. Be ready to take your picture with Idaho’s Famous Big Potato truck!