Western Legislative Academy (WLA)

Western Legislative Academy (WLA)
The Region’s Premier Legislative Leadership Training
Each year, state legislators from the western region are selected to participate in the Western Legislative Academy (WLA), a multi-day training experience focused on sharpening leadership skills needed to excel in a legislative environment. Faculty from academic, nonprofit, and legislative backgrounds engage class members in interactive sessions designed to provide a learning experience that expands understanding and fosters relationships.
For questions about the program, please contact Will Keyse at wla@csg.org.
Who Attends?
Western state legislators in their first four-years of cumulative service are invited to apply. Class members are selected by the CSG West Executive Committee and evaluated based on their dedication to public service, desire to improve their legislative effectiveness, and their commitment to the institution of the legislature.
How to Apply
Applications for the 2025 Western Legislative Academy, held December 16-19, 2025 in Colorado Springs, are now open. The deadline for completed applications is May 1, 2025.
Alumni Roster
Program Sponsorship
WLA is supported through the generous contributions of the El Pomar Foundation and private sector partners. For information on sponsor opportunities, please contact Edgar Ruiz, CSG West Director.