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CSG West Engages in Regional Efforts to Strengthen State – Federal Relations

Since the fall of 2016, CSG West has formed part of a coalition of regional, multi-branch and bipartisan associations representing western legislators, governors, attorneys general and county officials to promote a vision of a stronger state-federal relationship. This coalition, comprised of CSG West, Western Governors’ Association (WGA), Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG), the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER), and the Western Interstate Region of the National Association of Counties (NACO), jointly adopted federalism principles last December.

The federalism principles adopted by the western coalition, among other things, call for greater and meaningful state consultation of proposed federal regulations, rules, directives, and budget proposals that have “substantial direct effects on the states and/or local governments or on their relationship with the federal government.”  The principles also solicit greater consistency among federal agencies in reaching out to states and state officials and limiting the practice of what some call “forum shopping,” or consulting with a select group of states, state officials or associations to minimally satisfy consultation requirements.

The Administration, Congressional leaders and some federal agencies have been receptive to the message of states wanting “early, meaningful, substantive and ongoing” consultation, especially as it relates to proposed regulations or laws that may affect states, and have solicited examples, or templates of what “state consultation” should look like.

The regional coalition is continuing its efforts to realign the state – federal relationship and promote implementation of the adopted principles. Moreover, over the past several months the coalition has reached out to other national and regional associations to solicit their insights and engagement to achieve common objectives.

Below is the latest information of these ongoing efforts and links to resources from CSG West, CSG National and other regional and national associations.


  • State Consultation: Working to Make the Process Better, November 16,2017

Principles, Resolutions, Directives

Testimony & Statements

  • Statement from Tennessee Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris, on behalf of CSG, Before Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs – June 2017
  • Utah Senate President Wayne Niederhauser Testimony on Behalf of CSG Before House Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Affairs, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform April 2017
  • Link to Video of Hearing of the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Affairs on Unfunded Mandates April 2017

Speaker Ryan’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs

  • Speaker Ryan Press Release Announcing Establishment of Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs

For more information on the State & Federal Relations Committee, please contact Edgar Ruiz, CSG West Director, at (916) 553-4423 or