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Past Event

Legislative Council on River Governance

Richland, Washington

The LCRG brings together state legislators from the four Columbia River basin states to address shared concerns and provides a unique space for interstate dialogue. LCRG Chair along with our staff, are excited to convene this special forum in person and invite you to join us.

Under the leadership of Washington Senator Claudia Kauffman lawmakers from the four Columbia and Snake River Basins will convene September 9-12, 2024, in Richland, Washington to discuss key issues impacting this critical river system. Topics will include: 

  • Reviewing the Six Sovereigns Agreement intended to restore and conserve salmon, preserve critical fish runs, expand clean energy, and increase resiliency and provide stability for communities throughout the Columbia River Basin.  
  • Providing feedback on the modernization of the Columbia River Treaty that after multiple negotiations was designed to mitigate flood risks, ensure reliable and economical power supplies, and improve ecosystems. 

Questions?  Please contact Jackie Tinetti


Tuesday, September 10th
Wednesday, September 11th